Achieving what none of us could alone

Starting in 2005, one of America’s largest and most successful landscape conservation programs, Tree for All took a community-based, systems approach to building watershed resiliency. Over the past 20 years, Tree for All partners restored more than 150 river and tributary miles in Oregon's Tualatin River Watershed.

Partners recognized the need to create a healthy and resilient environment for humans and wildlife. Their approach responded to the challenges of urbanization, climate change, agricultural vibrancy, and ecological diversity. Tree for All proved capable of acting on a scale that ensures a healthy watershed now and for future generations.  

In order to create resilient, thriving landscapes, we have to act on unprecedented scale. It will take new kinds of partnerships, new sources of funding and a holistic approach. In 2022, many partners began a collaborative visioning to imagine how to build on past success and chart a course for the next 20 years. Learn more.


Visit the Partner Projects page to learn about the work.